Reading Notes Part B
- Satrajit, a sun god worshiper, acquired the Syamantaka jewel from the god
- The Syamantaka jewel emits the power of sunlight
- The jewel brings happiness to good men and death to evil men
- Krishna fights the bear king for 21 days to get the jewel back
- This chapter tells a story of Krishna's son, Pradyumna
- His other son, Balarama, lost in a dice game and ended up killing Rukmi and the King of Kalinga
- The demon Karaka is coming, Krishna kills the demon and the demons sons
- The demon Bana has 1000 arms, Krishna imprisons him but lets him go
- Krishna's men find a giant chameleon in a well, turns out its a tall man in disguise
- He tells the story of how he became the chameleon and how he had sinned
- Paundrika mocked Krishna so Krishna kills him with typical Krishna fashion
- This makes Paundrika's son really mad, his name is Sudakshin
- He asks Shiva for help, Shiva warns not to send the creature against any good king
- Once it arrived to Dwarka, the beast turned around and headed back to Sudakshin
- It burned Sudak to ashes and consumed the city
- This chapter is a mere retelling of Mahabrata through Krishnas viewpoint
- Jara mistakes the sleeping Krishna for a stag and shoots him in the foot with an arrow
- This kills Krishna and the sea washes everything away except for Krishna's temple
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