The Life of Buddha Part B
"Buddha and Rahula" Source: Wiki Commons
- The King builds three huge palaces for Siddhartha out of adoration
- The King lived his life as a great man
- Pure soul and good virtues he was an example to all
- Siddhartha and Gopa have a son named Rahula
- Siddhartha is very sheltered and wants to leave the palace so the king clears out all the evil in the world so he is not subjected to it
- The gods are jealous of his life and create an old man to taint his perfect view of the world
- Old age freaks him out so the gods make another man with disease
- Gopa has a dream of the end of the world and her being naked
- Sidd tells her that this is a great dream
- A god has the form of a monk and convinces Sidd to become a monk
- His dad opposes this idea
- Sidd goes to the stables and sneaks out of the palace
- Says he will not return until the has seen the end of life and death
- He tells a hero to take his horse and jewels back to his father
- He cuts his hair and looses is expensive clothes
- Gopa and the King freak out and command a search
- Chandaka the hero tells the king what happened
- Kanthaka returns to the stables and falls dead
"The Life of Buddha" By: Herold
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