Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Favorite Place

This is the northwest coast of Kauai, Hawaii. This coast consists of large green canyons that run into the blue ocean. I used to go here as a kid and have very fond memories of this place.

Na Poli Coast, Kauai, Hawaii


  1. Vann, I always like to read these posts when I am doing extra commenting. I have traveling quite a bit so I love to see where in the world people pick as their favorite place. I have been to Kauai and it is truly a magical place. I think it is hard for one picture to capture how truly beautiful Hawaii is.

  2. Vann, I am so jealous that you were able to experience this in real life. It looks absolutely beautiful. I hope that I am able to visit here once in my life. How often did you go? I believe this picture really does the justice to where a picture tells a thousand words. I hope you can go again!
