Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Introduction: Hello it's Vann

Me and my girlfriend in Cabo last Spring Break
Source: my phone

Hello! My name is Vancouver Barrick Wilkerson but you can call me Vann for short. For those wondering, Vann is a family name but my parents wanted it to be more formal so they chose Vancouver. I am a junior at the University of Oklahoma studying Aerospace engineering. Why aerospace? Growing up in Tulsa my Grandpa used to tell me stories of him working at NASA during the 1960’s and they always captured my attention. Last semester I took statics, thermodynamics, professional development, and logic I. My biggest accomplishment was getting all A’s and one B. I went to New Orleans for the sugar bowl over Christmas break. Bourbon Street was really fun and winning the game was even better. When I got back I had to get my tonsils out so that was pretty much the end of my break. My favorite music is rap, hip-hop, and rock. I usually listen to Chance the Rapper, Cherub, and Led Zeppelin. My favorite books are the Harry Potter series and the Percy Jackson series. I like to many movies to narrow it down to a top few. I have a few favorite TV shows including South Park, Rick and Morty, Westworld, and Game of Thrones. Recently I have been enjoying Shameless. I have attempted to set goals for myself but I find them changing constantly. Long-term goals would be to work at Lockheed Martin or a company similar to it. This summer I will be interning at Nordam, a privately owned aerospace company. I really enjoy traveling. I have been to almost every country in Europe and also enjoy scuba diving in places such as the British Virgin Islands and Belize. My favorite foods are sushi and steak and I like to eat these foods at Sushi Hanna and making steak at home. While on the topic of mentioning things I love I should mention my Australian Shepherd, Bear (see below)

My dog, Bear.
Source: My phone


  1. Hi Vann, nice to meet you! That is so cool that your Grandpa worked for NASA. I am a mechanical engineering major and NASA would be a dream job. I bet he has some amazing stories from that time. Congratulations on such a successful semester last fall! That course load isn’t easy. Also, your dog is so cute!! I love Australian shepherds, they are such pretty dogs and yours looks so sweet.

  2. Hello! Awesome to hear that you are also an aerospace engineering major! I'm a senior aerospace engineer that will graduate this May. Dr. Hays' Flight Mechanics and Aerospace Structures class can be killer if you don't get a good head start on those! I was born and also lived in Tulsa my entire life. Good luck with the semester! Just stay ahead on your studying and you will get through it :)

  3. Hello Vann! I hope you will enjoy seeing how the fantasy and adventure of the Indian epics is like/unlike the stories you know from Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, and also Game of Thrones!

    And for aerospace, I have to mention the amazing Pushpaka of Indian legend; you'll see that in the Ramayana: it's kind of a flying chariot or maybe a flying city... anyway, one of the oldest legends that there is of a flying vehicle that is not a bird or other animal.

    Finally, you can tell your dog Bear about the great BEAR characters in the Ramayana: you'll be meeting Jambavan, King of the Bears, and his daughter, Jambavati even marries Krishna, a hero of the Mahabharata, so there are bears for both epics! :-)

  4. Hey Vann, nice to read about you! I'm actually in Tri Delta PC14 and rushed with Steph this summer - so that's pretty neat! Aerospace engineering sounds like it's super tough, so dang... good luck!! Bear is super cute - I have an Aussie too. They're the best! Good luck in this course & in this semester!

  5. Its awesome to hear about you enjoying Aerospace early on from your grandpas NASA stories. NASA is an amazing organization that's severely underfunded in my opinion. NASA along with the other space groups throughout the world is what makes a lot of the things we take for granted possible, and they are helping our species as a whole progress and advance towards interplanetary and interstellar travel.

  6. Nice to meet you Vann! It is really cool how you got interesting in Aerospace and that your grandpa worked at NASA! I would have wanted to hear all of his stories too! It would be really cool if you used space as a theme for some of your stories this semester! All of your travelling sounds fun and your dog is adorable!

  7. Vann, what a cool name! That's awesome that your grandpa worked for NASA. Aerospace engineering is definitely a big goal! I tried to get student tickets to the sugar bowl but they sold out within minutes. I also love South Park. I have not traveled any where over seas so I'd say I'm a little jealous! Your dog is precious!

  8. Hi, Vann! First of all, your full name sounds super cool and sophisticated. When you become an aerospace engineer and you discover or create something, you should definitely name whatever that is after yourself! Imagine: “This is the Vancouver Barrick Wilkerson Thingamajig, the best invention ever!” Sounds cool right? Anyway, I hope everything works out for you! (Also, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are really good books.)

  9. Hi Vann, nice to meet you. That's really cool that your an Aerospace Engineering major. I recently took astronomy and it really opened my eyes to how big the universe really is. I would definitely not mind getting to work in that field daily. It would be an awesome opportunity to work for NASA, hopefully that's what happens for you! Best of luck with the rest of your semester.

  10. Hi Vann, nice to meet you! Congrats on your major and having your internship lined up for this summer. I think it is really great that your Grandfather worked at NASA and his stories inspired you to go into aerospace engineering.
    Bear is a pretty dog. Australian Shepherds are like Siberian Huskies with how expressive they are in their eyes. I look forward to reading your stories this semester!

  11. Hey Vann! First of all, your name is awesome, it's definitely one-of-a-kind. Also, it's super cool that your grandfather is your inspiration for Aerospace Engineering and that he worked at NASA. I used to go to Johnson Space Center all the time as a child and can definitely see why you would want to go into Aeurospace! Congratulations on the internship this summer and I look forward to reading your stories this semester!

  12. Hi Vann! Wow, aerospace engineering sounds super cool. I like that you have a story of why you’re interested in this area. I wish I could have gone to the Sugar Bowl. I bet it was so much fun to actually be there. I’m actually about to start Game of Thrones! I’ve heard good things from everyone I’ve talked to, so I’m excited to start the series!

  13. Hey Vann! Nice to meet you! First off, Bear is adorable! I have an Australian shepherd too! Aren’t they the best? Mine just got fixed yesterday so she is currently lying next to me being pitiful. Did you like New Orleans? I grew up going there. My mom was born there and most of my family still lives in Baton Rouge so I go there quite often! Congrats on the A’s and B’s!

  14. Nice to meet you Vann! Sounds like you have had a lot of fun life experiences already! Scuba diving in the British islands is definitely something I want to do one day. I love Westworld too! I’ve found that a lot of people haven't heard of it yet, so it's cool when I run into someone that knows of it. That's awesome that your grandfather inspired you to go into the aerospace industry (and super cool that he worked for NASA!) I hope you enjoy your internship this summer!

  15. Hello Vann! I'm surprised there are still people in this class whose blogs I haven't read yet! You and I share a few interests, mainly Rick and Morty, Chance the Rapper, and Game of Thrones. I'm sure you have heard but Chance is coming to Tulsa May 9th! Sadly that's finals week so I won't get to see him again. Plus I have an 8 am final the next day.. ha. I'm looking forward to reading some of your stories!

  16. Hi Vann! First of all, what a unique name you have! Vancouver is a great city to be named after, even if only for the formality. We have a lot in common, and I enjoyed reading about your interests. I love Chance the Rapper and Led Zeppelin, and I think your sweet pup is so cute! Good for you for pursuing aerospace engineering; not an easy path, for sure, but I hope you see how much potential you have to make a difference in our world. Keep on keeping on.

  17. Hi Vann. I think that Vancouver is a cool name. I always think that people that are named after family is awesome. The sugar bowl was so much fun! The sooners are definitely way better then the war eagles. I have heard that Westworld is a really good show. I need some new shows to watch myself. Your dog is adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Vann it is nice to meet you. The picture of you and your girlfriend is adorable! What caught my attention the most is the fact that you have traveled to almost every country in Europe! I have not gotten the chance to travel but I hope to in near future. Your dog is so cute! I like the name bear. I do not have a dog but often wonder what I will name him or her once I get a dog. Any who, it was nice meeting you!

  19. Vann, I really like the name. Vancouver is very unique and original. It's a name that would make you stand out from the crowd just as a major in Aerospace Engineering would do. I'm sure it's amazing to have a grandparent that has worked for NASA while also being the next person to carry on the NASA storytelling tradition to your kids one day. (That is, if you plan to have children. Haha)
    Furthermore, I like Percy Jackson and Shameless as well.

  20. Hi Vann!
    Nice to meet you! Such a unique name! I have never come across that name before. It is so cool that you have an interest in Aerospace Engineering, and it seems like you enjoy it a lot by your accomplishments. Your dog is so cute as well! I have a German Shepherd, and he is just the absolute cutest. Hope you're semester is coming along well! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Hi Vann, it is nice to meet you! I enjoyed reading your introduction post this week. Your dog is too cute for words! I also went to the Sugar Bowl over christmas break and it was one of the best spur of the moment decisions I have ever made! It was such an unforgettable experience. You are so lucky you get one more year of OU football it was one of my favorite parts of being a student here.

  22. Vann, it's nice to meet you! I like your name, I haven't heard that before, it's unique! I think that we have quite a lot in common. Led Zeppelin is my all-time favorite band, and I love Game of Thrones too. I've seen one episode of Rick and Morty and I thought it was hilarious, I've been meaning to watch more of it. I also love traveling (I'll be spending all summer in Germany) and my whole family is super into scuba diving. Your dog is adorable, I have a pup too, he's a pit bull and I think he's just the sweetest thing ever. I don't know what I'd do without him now!

  23. Hi Vann! It’s really nice to meet you, even if it is the very end of the class. I think it’s really great that you’ve stuck to your goals from when you were a kid. It’s good to have direction. I really love travelling so it’s amazing to me that you’ve been to so many places before you’ve even graduated college. Your dog is gorgeous by the way.
